Research I

US Latinx and migration literature

An important research focus lies on migration literature and especially on US Latinx novels. Two major publications resulted from my doctoral research project:

1) My published dissertation Identidades múltiples. Hibridismo cultural y social en la narrativa hispanounidense de los siglos XX y XXI (Editorial Universidad de Alcalá, Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, 2021) explores the configuration of the Hispanic migrant in a corpus of eight contemporary US Latinx novels written in Spanish, in which migration to and from the United States is represented in various ways. From a literary and gender approach, the concept of hybridity, which can be applied to different processes such as cultural, social and sexual fusion, is reinterpreted. The monograph analyzes the positions of the individuals represented in these texts, between the American dream and the process of (inverted) culture shock, in order to emphasize the formation of multiple identities throughout all stages of migration. It also aims to show how these works attempt to give voice to a community that is often silenced, letting speak the authors themselves of different gender, sexual orientation and coming from several Latin American countries such as: Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba and Puerto Rico.

2) In addition, as editor, I published the contributions from the workshop "Transnational Conversations. Multilingual Writing and Cultural Exchange in Europe and the Americas" in form of a Special Issue in the Boletín Hispánico Helvético in December 2022 and wrote an introduction, an own essay and general conclusions. The thematic dossier aims to explore literary conversations and cultural exchanges that increasingly take place across linguistic borders. Specifically, this means that authors are crossing their national borders, seeking inspiration in linguistic and ethnic spaces that are geographically distant or previously outside of regular social exchange.