Academic events

In 2019, I organized a Swissuniversities-funded PhD workshop in General and Comparative Literature (in collaboration with Professor of Modern German Literature Dr. Ralph Müller and Professor of American Literature Dr. Thomas Austenfeld) entitled "Transnational Conversations. Multilingual Writing and Cultural Exchange in Europe and the Americas." I have also organized additional events for Bachelor's and Master's students in my seminars and lectures, which were intended to provide an in-depth exploration of the topics, such as: "Postdictatorship and Memory in Latin America" (in collaboration with the Spanish Committee) or "The Apocalypse in the Work of Edmundo Paz Soldán" (video conference with the author).

I was also able to organize various academic events as personal assistant to the professor Dr. Julio Peñate. These were different formats (colloquia, lecture series, author meetings, etc.) on different topics: Literature and Insularity, the Comic and the Graphic Novel, the Crime Novel, or Travel Literature. The most important event that I had the privilege of helping to organize, however, was the conference that the Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa held at the University of Fribourg in the context of receiving an honorary doctorate. See the various events in the slideshow below.